Search results for References by jentink, f.a.
Jentink, F.A., 1897. Zoological results of the Dutch Scientific Expedition to Central Borneo: The mammals. Notes from the Leyden Museum 19: 29-66, pls. 2-3


Jentink, F.A., 1895. On the rhinoceroses from the East-Indian archipelago. Notes from the Leyden Museum 16: 231-233


Jentink, F.A., 1892. Catalogue systematique des mammiferes (singes, carnivores, ruminants, pachydermes, sirenes et cetaces). Museum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays Bas 11: 1-219


Jentink, F.A., 1890. On Rhinoceros simus, Burchell, in the Leyden Museum. Notes from the Leyden Museum 12: 241-244


Jentink, F.A., 1889. On a collection of mammals from East-Sumatra. Notes from the Leyden Museum 11: 17-30


Jentink, F.A., 1887. Catalogue osteologique des mammiferes. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays Bas 9: 1-360, pls. 1-12


Jentink, F.A., 1884. De olifant en de rhinoceros op Borneo. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2) 1: 400-401, 554-559


Jentink, F.A.; Hagen, B., 1881. Voorloopige mededeelingen over de fauna van Oost-Sumatra. Aardrijkskundig Weekblad 2 (44-45): 273-288, 289-293
